martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Portfolio #9 News, News

Los clamores llegados de todo el mundo no lograron sensibilizar al Tribunal de Perdones y Libertad de Georgia. Durante el juicio jamás se pudo mostrar el “arma homicida” que mató a un policía blanco. Nunca fue encontrada.
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What arguments does this piece of news support?
"Saldaño, el sueño dorado", de Raul Viarruel- Trailer
Victor Hugo Saldaño, condenado a muerte argentino



Portfolio #8 Capital Punishment


Capital punishment
Criminal caos
Legal council
Death penalty is irreversible 
Death penalty is never acceptable
Everybody has the right to live
Nobody has to suffer torture
Human rights belong to us equally
An attack to the human rights is an attack to all of us
The right to life is deniable
They´re still human beings
They croosed the line
But do you really want to join them?

ARGUMENTS AND COUNTER-ARGUMENTS that Jeremy Irons poses in the video against Death Penalty. Retrieved from

Death Penalty can prolong suffering for victims´ families

Inadequate Legal Representation

Racial Discrimination

Arbitrariness in the application of the death penalty

Execution of inocents and child offenders

Death penalty abuses to of our most basic human rights: Everyone has the right to live and no one should be subject to torture

Counter Arguments:

It is not the solution against the crimes

The death penalty implies an economical advantage

The person who kills crosses the ethic line. The person in favour of this punishment crosses the ethic line too