viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

New version of Student´s failure

ISFD 41 – Language and Written Expression IV – Saubidet Stella                                                 
Areco Yesica – Perez Stefania                                                          

June 2014              

Students´ failure at Primary School

Students´ lack of success when they are young may be attributed to external factors concerning their life at home and at school. One of the causes is the misuse of computers because, most of the time, children use the device as game consoles but not to study or look for information. Generally, these children are not controlled by any adult. Thus a second factor recalls to parent´s absence from home, since they need to go to work and, consequently, cannot help their children to accomplish their assignments. Hence, what constitutes a third prompt of unsuccessful learning is related to students´ teachers, taking into account that if they were excessively demanding, they would give students low marks for not doing their tasks. All in all, students’ failure at school involves outer factors rather than students’ capacity of learning.

Causes that make students fail vs. causes that help students learn

All throughout Primary education, children are affected by several factors that influence their learning; some of them are concerned with their life at home and others to the role of teachers. Difficulties come to light in children who regularly spend long hours doing useless activities in the computers as they have the possibility to play online or to chat with their friends. Closely related are the figures of parents who insufficiently control their children. If a student's family is experiencing violence, unemployment, alcohol or drug use by a family member, problems with the law, or any other upsetting experience, it can be difficult to concentrate on schoolwork. Many students who are having family problems might have trouble controlling their anger and frustration at school, and they may end up in trouble because of their behaviour. Also the performance of teachers plays a considerably role. Teaching students good learning strategies would ensure that they know how to acquire new knowledge, which leads to improved learning outcomes. Learning must connect to something that the student already knows or feels. If not, it won't be absorbed. Yet, it is imperative the presence of the family during the learning process. Parents who spend vital time with their children encourage them to follow a profitable routine and make them feel safe and confident. Knowing that they have a framework when studying, they will be able to consider the computer as a tool to study and use it accordingly, not only to play or chat but also to carry out tasks or look for information. Students at risk of school failure need to be identified as early as possible in their school to receive the help they need. This task usually falls to the teacher or parents, because many students are hostile to or disconnected from the educational system and will not or do not know how to ask for help. Parents and teachers must work together to bring failing students back to school and help them to achieve goals, the reasons for school failure need to be recognized and treated. 

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